This is my found poem....
Learning Intention: I can create poems which use poetic devices and follow specific forms.
What I learned/enjoyed: I learned how to create found poems just from random words that you find on a daily website.
I enjoyed making a poem from scratch because it was special and unique. I was able to make it my own and i like that kind of work because music is like that too. It doesn't limit your learning experience, I actually think that you learn more when you have the freedom to infinity. This project was one of my favourites.

This is my fall write it is what I think about fall and I am very proud of it.
Learning Intention:I can create a personal piece of writing that uses descriptive language to paint a portait.
Starts with a strong lead and focuses on the main idea.

The past couple of weeks my class and I have been working on
  poetry. We recently just finished a unit on poetic devices. It was really
  interesting. I never knew that poetry involved so many different kinds of
  writing figures and types. It was also interesting to find poetic devices in
  songs. Learning Intention: I can demonstrate my understanding of a variety of poetic devices. What I learned: Doing this project I learned all the poetic devices and their mean. They are Metaphor, alliteration, simile, rhyme, personification, and onomatopoeia. 

This is my I Am poem that I have CREATED right it's mine and it's very special
to me. I have made lot's of copies not only to make sure that the spelling is
correct but to show my learning I think it's super cool.